Trending with Tracie: Sweeter Life

As many of y’all know I have a lot of love for coffee. It’s probably the caffeine that makes me so happy, but what’s even more awesome is that a new study from Denmark found that drinking coffee makes people more sensitive to sweet flavors and less sensitive to bitter flavors. The study, led by researchers at Aurhus University, looked at the immediate effects of coffee consumption on olfactory and gustatory sensitivity of 156 participants.

Trending with Tracie: Breaking It Down

What if I told you that PET plastic could one day be broken down to food-grade material in just a few hours? Drum roll please… well it potentially can exist! PET plastic, which is the most commonly used polyester plastic on Earth, has long been utilized because of its temperature endurance, ability to keep products fresh, and its affordability.

Trending with Tracie: Fun & Colorful

Dalgona coffee is super on-trend, so I just could not help myself but share some more instant coffee recipe ideas that’ll sweeten up your taste buds! Real quick – Dalgona coffee (as it’s known in South Korea) is a whipped mix of instant coffee, sugar, and water. This week I found some more inspirational ideas to share. First up: chilled Nutella coffee (because spreading Nutella on toast is just not enough), which blends instant coffee, milk, Nutella, sugar, and vanilla extract together to make a morning fuel-up.

Trending with Tracie: Fun & Colorful

What’s the latest internet craze? Nothing other than dalgona coffee (named after a Korean candy,) aka “whipped coffee.” It began on TikTok several days ago, and now millions of views later, it’s a craze. Yep. Dalgona coffee is the opposite of a latte, so instead of whipping milk then pouring over espresso, you whip the actual coffee. Intrigued? Yah, same here.

Trending with Tracie: Horizon Bound

It’s that time of the year again, Daylight Saving time is this Sunday, March 8. Although we lose an hour this Sunday (sigh), we gain some awesome news from Horizon Organic, who has committed to being carbon-positive in its entire supply chain by 2025. Horizon is the first national dairy brand to make this commitment. Carbon-positive goes above and beyond carbon neutrality; Horizon plans to remove, reduce, or offset additional emissions from entering the atmosphere.