Coffee In America
Coffee is my best friend in the mornings, and I always get excited to learn more about what’s going on with joe. The National Coffee Associated USA recently reported back on their annual survey and it seems that we in the States continue to consume coffee at a steady pace, but we’re also turning to more gourmet coffee beans. Based on over 2,800 survey responses, 63% drank a coffee beverage the previous day, meaning that coffee kept its #1 place as the top drink consumed. Now, it doesn’t just stop here – of those who drank coffee, 61% said they drank “gourmet” coffee – which is the first time ever that gourmet coffee passed the 60% threshold. What exactly is gourmet coffee according to NCA? Their focus is on the unroasted coffee beans, which cannot have more than 8 full defects in 300 grams, and must have a distinctive attribute in body, flavor, aroma, or acidity. Other findings – coffee drinking increases as Americans get older, drip coffee is loosing its popularity, single-cup brewers were the 2nd most popular brewing method, and nearly 85% were “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the coffee options at work. Now here’s to joe!
State of Free Food
In the Office
If you’re like me, you probably find it hard to resist reaching for a snack when it’s in reach and free. Don’t worry, we’re not alone – research shows that this double whammy of free & nearby is when many of us succumb to eating, regardless of hunger. The key here, though, is food has to be close. So if you have to go too far, chances are “hungry eyes” might not impact you as much. However, it’s a good thing there are more and more snacks that have simple ingredients with a craveable taste such as Bare Fuji & Reds Apple Chips – baked crunchy, super munchy.
Yours Truly,
Tracie T.